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Monday, June 8, 2009

June 7

Well – milestone 1 is complete. I have entered a new province and a new time zone today and am nestled in a pretty little campground just east of Portage La Prairie.

Manitoba is a pretty sneaky place. Just as you leave the Saskatchewan sign that says Thanks for Driving Safely, the highway broadens out with lovely painted lines and wide, wide shoulders.
Then you reach Russell (about 15k), the shoulder disappears and the quality of the pavement deteriorates considerably.

Grace, I stopped in Langenburg – such a pretty place.

The photo I've attached in the Happy Rock in Gladstone. Happy Rock, my eye! The little sign on the front of it says “Don't climb on the Rock”. Not very friendly, I'd say.

Gas in Manitoba is around the dollar mark, so that makes me happy. Let's hope it gets less as I go east.

I was treated by an aerobatics show just as I was coming in to Portage – 3 little red Tudors chasing each other in loop after loop. Cool!!
Today it's raining and Judy, the afghan has been a godsend! Thanks.
Off to Falcon Beach tomorrow.


  1. Happy Rock? Looks like a Happy Marshmallow to me. Hoping that Nosey and Digit are happier campers today. Thanks for doing this ... my virtual vacation!

  2. Hey Mom, sounds like your seeing some nice countryside. I will give you a call tonight to see how your travelling buddies are doing. Take care!!

  3. Marylin Where are you ? Linda and the boys are in Winnipeg with me (Russell) - hope we haven't missed you comign through!

    call me if you get a chance 204.996.9623

