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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From Chip Truck to Chip Truck

So, today I passed the turn off to the Yellow Brick Road. I almost turned off, but wizards make me just a little scatterbrained. I also passed an area where there was a lake on either side of the highway. On the right was Baby Lake and on the left, Mom Lake. Then a few miles along I came to Orphan Lake. I'm sure there's a story there. It got me to wondering about the guys years ago who had the fun of naming all these little bodies of water. What did they do when they ran out of animals, then coloured animals, then their family names, then all the cities in the world? I think that's how I found the Yellow Brick Road.

It was a really lovely drive today. Great roads and with the exception of a few big trucks and the odd pack of motorcycles, I had them all to myself. The scenery is so extraordinary. Rock, Lake, Moose Crossing Sign, Rock, Rock, Lake, Moose Crossing Sign etc. Beautiful – and I can't believe all those beautiful shorelines with absolutely no cottages on them.

I'm just north of Sault Ste. Marie and am camped, as you can see, right on the beach. Megan, I found some really great stones on the sand. I'm facing west and looking forward to a spectacular sunset.

Today, I became reacquainted with Black Flies. I have a distinct memory of my Mom sitting on the beach at Muskoka and there was blood dripping down her forehead from where a black fly had taken a chomp.

There is no wifi here, although I'm surprised at how many places have it – so I'll have to post this tomorrow.

June 16th

Tonight, I'm right at the tip of Manitoulin Island on Georgian Bay. I have finally left behind the great shores of Lake Superior. Once again I'm camped on some beach (I've always wanted to say that) and am enjoying a fabulous view. I know I'm in Ontario for sure now because today I saw my first Chip Truck, my first split rail fence and my first poison ivy (close call).

What I missed today were the thousands of inukchuks(no idea on the spelling there) people built along the highways through the Canadian Shield from all the rocks that fall beside the road.. They decorate them with flags, touques, scarves and all other sorts of adornment and some of them are pretty funny.

There the coolest picnic tables here, made out of logs. Very simple and probably pretty heavy to move around when the lawn needs mowing.

Digit has discovered that if she climbs up under the duvet on the bed she becomes invisible and I can put her in her crate for travelling (at least that's what she thinks) She always looks so surprised when I lift back the covers.

1 comment:

  1. Love your stories. Went to Charlies with a horse Tuesday night for shots. From there went to Innifail to pick up another one and back to Sk from there. Today went to Humboldt/Watrous. Just got back haveto lear my desk cause I'm off to rodeos in Pilot Butte and Moose Jaw this weekend. Your house is still standing. One of your neighbors is trying to rally the troops to put in a community garden behind 713 are you good with that?
