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Friday, June 21, 2013

Hurry Siri!

Most of our morning was spent watching the coverage of the flood situation in Southern Alberta and I'm thankful to everyone who sent me updates.  Looking at Stampede Park, it makes you wonder how they will ever be ready in 13 days.  Bragg Creek was looking pretty bad and I was wondering about our old cabins on the river and behind Merryfields.  I just hope everyone stays safe and that the worst is over.

I almost feel a little guilty saying that the weather here near Truro has been warm and sunny with a lovely soft ocean breeze.  Right now I'm looking at the most amazing sunset that covers the colours of the rainbow.  Our campground is filling up a bit since it's Friday evening and the air is tangy with the aromas of barbecue and campfires.  There are kids in the pool and playground and riding their bikes around the roads.  It's all very laid back and peaceful.

Have I mentioned how much I love my iPhone?  Not only does it allow me to communicate with home but it has quite a bunch of other great services that are handy to have on the road.  We have a nifty little app that manages our expenses for us; one that keeps track of our todo list and another that is a level so we know we won't be rolling out of bed at night.  It has a flashlight app that is pretty useful later in the day and of course, the GPS system - WAZE.  After a bit of a rough start, we are now finding WAZE  amazingly useful.  Today we were off to Sobey's for groceries so we just typed in "Sobeys" as our destination and the system came back with a choice of stores in the area.  So slick!  BUT for me the greatest thing I have found is the ability to transfer reports from my genealogy software to my iPhone as an iBook.  I now have a list of everyone buried in a specific cemetery right at hand while we're wandering around.  AND it also provides me with the camera to take photos and movies of the cemeteries.  I LOVE IT!

While I'm pretty game for most things in life - I don't like heights very much.  Fortunately, my travelling buddy, Ann has no problem. So how happy am I when she hops up the ladder to take care of a little leak in the roof?  In addition to keeping me in a permanent state of the giggles, I'm so fortunate that she dares to do the things I'm too chicken to do.  And not only that but she has no sense of smell so I don't have to clean the litter box as often.

Ann and I had Slippery Chicken and Coleslaw again for dinner tonight.  Did you know that a cold roast chicken has no GST or PST on it?  Good to know - it saves about 2.50 a bird.

Before saying goodnight, I'd like to say a special hi to my sister-cousins and nieces who are following me along the trail.  Charlotte, Shirley, Norma and Mary Lee (when she's at home) and the Danis.  I love the fact that you're out there and can't wait to tell you more about this wonderful family we come from as I spend time with new cousins here and visit the places our ancestors lived and are buried.  Thanks for coming along for the ride.

To be continued..............

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