Today we made it to Bemidji, Minnesota - home of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe - and just west of the lower tip of Lake Superior. I must have been here before, because I have a picture of myself at about 5, standing right in front of them. But then Paul and Babe may be claimed by other places, as well.
It started out drizzling in Minot and by the time we reached Rugby, ND it was a full blown monsoon. Then we drove through a pea soup fog and now it is hailing mosquitoes. I thought there was something wrong with Miss Hathaway (the GPS), but - no - the highway here is flat, straight and long. On the good side, it's four lane divided highway all the way and very little traffic so it's easy to make good time. I wonder if the highway patrol here have a surveillance bush, like the one on Corner Gas. Regardless, I really could have gone back to make popcorn like the guy in the commercial.
Rugby, by the way, is the geographical centre of North America. Who knew?
Anyway - enough bellyaching about the weather. Did you know there are more than a thousand songs about rain. "Here comes the Rain Again", It's Raining in my Heart", It's Raining Men", "Rain, Rain, go Away", etc. etc. I looked it up on the internet.
Today has proved a challenge. What time zone am I in? How many litres to the gallon? How fast is 65 miles an hour? My poor head was done in so I decided to treat myself to the ULTIMATE CANADIAN EXPERIENCE - a trip to Target. I got 2 pairs of flip flops for a dollar and some really cute storage baskets - also for a dollar each. What fun!!!
Tomorrow, we head to Sault Ste. Marie and back across the border- just as I'm getting the hang of things here - good for my character.
To be continued.........
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