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Monday, July 5, 2010

YES, THEY DO! (answer to yesterday's question)

In the longest 10 minutes of my life, we managed to cross the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to PEI (all 13.1 K of it).  Ann sat valiantly beside me, knowing that if she uttered a word, I would fall apart.  Bless her!  Regardless, we did make it in one piece and now I have another bridge to spit at with disdain.  The funny thing is that they don't charge you for coming over this way but it's $42.50 to get back!  "You want me to pay how much?  To do what?". 

With that behind us, we were eager to begin exploring the Island and the only word that seems fitting is FEAST!  At every corner there spread out before us a feast for the eyes.  Long, rolling green valleys of smartly kept farms, broad sandy white beaches that make you feel like you can see Europe, quaint little towns with gingerbread houses of every colour combination, lobster pounds dotting the bays, laid out like some elaborate board game.  The air is rich with fresh cut hay, clover, wild roses and a million lupins, lightly salted by the sea breezes.  Right and left we saw signs for Lobster suppers, home town ceilidhs and tiny new potatoes.  The shopping looks fabulous and there are hundreds of really interesting things to do.  We'll be here a bit longer than we first thought.

New rules of the road:

  1. You can cram most of your stuff in the space behind the front seats.
  2. It's all about the plumbing! Whenever you get a chance, use other people's plumbing.
  3. There's a laundromat in Amherst that can fill your propane tanks for you.
  4. Good places to turn your motor home around - School yards (July & Aug), Churchs (any day but Sunday),
  5. Most designated RV parking is at least a 20 minute walk from where you want to go.
  6. It takes 4 spots to park an RV at Sobeys.
  7. Essential gear to take on the road with you: computer, GPS, iPod Touch, Cell Phones, Blue Tooth, A Turbo Drive and a gigantic charging station.
To be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. Am again enjoying your journey and all the little hiccups along the way. You are a brave soul to tackle some of those roads and tight spots. I rather enjoyed crossing the Confederation Bridge -but then I was not driving!- makes a difference. You may see that there are many Gaudets in PEI - being where Alan's father haled from. They are everywhere - especially around the Tignish area. The graveyard there is full of relatives and mosquitos. Carry on and I will enjoy the journey vicariously!
    Shirley Gaudet
